RPOA and Pink Ribbon Place join forces to battle cancer!
Let me start by offering a warm hello and I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits!
The RPOA has partnered with Pink Ribbon Place for this year’s cancer walk. The walk will be held on October 16th throughout the day from 0800 to 1730. Check the embedded link for details https://rchf.salsalabs.org/pinkonparade2021/index.html
We will be rolling out the Lost In The Sauce trailer in support of the fund raising efforts. We will be offering individual meals and family 4 packs. Breakfast will be burritos and dinner will be our standard pulled pork, mac and cheese, ranch beans and dinner rolls. Go to https://popfoodtruck.square.site to pre-order your family meals, individual meals may be ordered day of the event.
This is a perfect opportunity to wear your support shirts for our employee! There is no fee to participate, we have handled that by way of sponsorship for all RPD employees. You can show your support by purchasing a family meal from the attached links. Heck, you don’t even have to participate in the walk! Send your family while you pick up their meals and enjoy a frosty beverage in the Pink On Parade beer garden!
We hope to see you out there representing our families that are battling cancer and remembering our loved ones that lost the fight.
Brian C. Smith
President, Riverside Police Officers’ Association